Do What You Do Best

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Don’t be mediocre.

If you need to get attention, the last thing you want to be is an average voice saying unmemorable things.

To avoid this trap, you need to focus on what you do best. It doesn’t matter whether this is something big (leader of the Free World) or small (tying really good knots). What matters is that you have expertise that certain other people value.

No matter how limited your abilities, if you keep chunking down the question of what you do well, you will get satisfying answers.

My friend, David Garber, had ALS. He couldn’t move his body or talk. But he still was one of the smartest people I knew, and he had a laser- sharp wit. After he lost the ability to use his body, he another spectacular skill: the ability to inspire others with his tenacious will to live.

Years ago, I received an email from David, which he “typed” through the use of an eye gaze interface. It was a long email, and it probably took him a week to type it. He used adjectives and adverbs. He made jokes.

I’m used to flying through emails and have been known to miss a few critical messages. But I have read David’s email many times. David was awesome at inspiring me to be grateful for every moment I spend on this planet.

(Sadly, he passed not long ago.)

Whether your skill is drawing, carpentry, babysitting, listening, proofreading, or knitting... use it to reach out to others, and help them. There’s simply no excuse for thinking that you can’t do anything well.